When she’s not mentoring women or writing, Susie Q is usually exploring her new town with her husband, daughter, and their lovable, chunky, chocolate labrador, Wonka. Her podcast, Reinvention Warrior, is a top 10% globally ranked show where she teaches driven women how to redefine who they are as they make these massive pivots in their lives.

 As a certified Maxwell Coach, Speaker, and Trainer, Susie Q has the knowledge and skills to help you build your own corporate exit plan. Layer in her Bachelor’s in Business Management and Master’s in Organizational Leadership, and you’ll feel confidently equipped to partner with her on your journey to escaping a job you no longer feel aligned with.

When she’s not mentoring women or writing, Susie Q is usually exploring her new town with her husband, daughter, and their lovable, chunky, chocolate labrador, Wonka. Her podcast, Reinvention Warrior, is a top 10% globally ranked show where she teaches driven women how to redefine who they are as they make these massive pivots in their lives.                        As a certified Maxwell Coach, Speaker, and Trainer, Susie Q has the knowledge and skills to help you build your own corporate exit plan. Layer in her Bachelor’s in Business Management and Master’s in Organizational Leadership, and you’ll feel confidently equipped to partner with her on your journey to escaping a job you no longer feel aligned with.
 escaping a job you no longer feel aligned with.

It's So Nice To Meet You

Walking my dog or reading a book
If I'm not working you can catch me
My favorite TV show is
Wonder Woman
My Alter Ego is
Be out in nature

My favorite thing to do is

A full time writer

If I wasn't coaching I'd be 


Quitting your job is terrifying!

Leaving the security and perceived stability of our careers can leave us paralyzed. Instead we let fear stand in our way, it holds us back, we stay in jobs we feel unfulfilled in or maybe even feel stuck in a toxic workplace.

Then we get this itch to want to ditch our jobs, do some research, maybe take a few steps, fear pops up again, and we go back into hiding. It’s a vicious cycle and we are going to dispel the challenges that might be holding you back from taking the leap out of your corporate job. 

   things I wish I knew before I quit my job


book a call now

You're gonna wish you did this sooner. I promise.

the sooner you start
the sooner you'll see the results

2023 Ⓒ  Reinvention Warrior

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